
Wednesday 18 March 2015

Oakley Creek

Oakley Creek

The council is going to redo Oakley creek to stop it from flooding.
They are asking kids what they think they should put around the area, like parks. Room twenty are writing down their ideas. These are my ideas.

This is how I think it will make the place better. I think if we had a park by it and maybe a little food bar there too. Also a field that you could play different kind of sports. Maybe different kind of sculptures in it. One of the sculptures can be big and can say Oakley Creek on it.

On the park I think we should have some swings, some monkey bars, a slide and a pole you slide down. Maybe a flying fox too. The park should have rock climbing walls, I think that will be cool. Maybe some little tunnels you can play in thats connected together.I think each activity on the playground can have a different colour, that would be cool.

Also maybe part of the park could have a toddler little play area that they could play on. Maybe on the toddler area they could have a sand pit or a little safe swing. I know a cool as cars that is stuck on springs that bounces back and forward.

If there was a food bar people can buy lunch and things so they don’t have to go somewhere else to eat it. I think would be great if they was a food bar. If there was sport games on people can get some food and watch the game at the same time. In the food bar I would put some lollies, pies and drinks. Also yummy hot dogs and hot chips.

If there was a field, lots of families would want to go there and play sports and things. The field could have soccer games or rugby games and more on and you might want to watch it.

My last ideas is the sculptures. The first sculpture im going to talk about is a big sculpture that can have the word Oakley Creek on it. That sculpture could be a big duck that can say Oakley Creek. Around it , it can have sculptures of people, ocean animals, a pearl shell and more.

I hope you liked my ideas and maybe use some of them to if you think they are good enough.

Your sincerely, Deja

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